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Nice Catch, William Faulkner

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Y'ALL! Oxford American magazine, The New Yorker of the South, just dropped their 19th Annual Southern Music Issue, and, this time, the great Commonwealth of Kentucky is in the spotlight. Well, nobody loves Kentucky and Kentucky music more than we do, so we decided to show our support with a full-page ad promoting KY for KY and our spinoff Southern Socks.


Why does that warrant a blog post? Because it's a badass ad. That's why.


If you aren't familiar with Oxford American magazine, it's a quarterly literary publication dedicated to featuring the best in Southern writing. So we thought the best way to get the attention of a bunch of bookworms was to put a big, glaring typo right at the top of our ad. And not just any typo. The mother of all typos. The #1 pet peeve of every grammar nazi on the planet.


Check it out.



Ouch. It hurts to read it, doesn't it? Knowing full well that copywriters and editors have been killed for letting an error like that slip by, we felt like we should at least put a small disclaimer at the bottom of the ad to clear things up.


We know. It's "your" not "you're." We just figured that a typo would be the best way for our ad to stand out in a fine publication like Oxford American Magazine. But nice catch anyway, William Faulkner.



We'll probably still catch an earful for such a sacrilegious stunt, but were we're okay with that.


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