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The Right Woman For The Job

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Right Woman For The Job

Kate Fowler took the road less travelled to the job of her dreams as director of Appalshop's Appalachian Media Institute, but she's doing it now and that's all that matters.
Born in King George, Va., a tiny military town even smaller than Whitesburg, Ky., where Appalshop is located, she dropped out of school …

Honey, We Shrunk The Fun Mall!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Honey, We Shrunk The Fun Mall!

Everybody knows the Fun Mall, our 12,000-square-foot retail warehouse on Lexington's Northside. It's all people talk about. They paint pictures of it. They sing songs about it. They love it. They love our kick-ass Kentucky clothes, they love our kick-ass Kentucky home goods, they love our kick-ass Kentucky prints. They can't get enough of it …

Moon Dust & Scavengers

By Adam Lewis |

Moon Dust & Scavengers

To say that Lexington is famous for polo probably isn't quite right, but it is played here more than most places and when it is it's exactly what you'd expect: a lot of bowtied bartenders and convertible coupes, white linen blowing in the wind while dudes named Chet sip Double Oaked Woodford and girls lugging …

Bat BnB

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Bat BnB

Harrison Broadhurst and Christoper Rännefors think bats have a serious PR problem. Bats don't bother anybody, they eat a ton of bugs that people find annoying, and still everybody is freaked out by them. Why is that?
The guys, both in their mid-20s, concluded that the answer was just a bunch of nonsensical hocus-pocus.

Anita Madden's Autumn Camping Tips

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Anita Madden's Autumn Camping Tips

Not too hot, not too cold, the fall months are the perfect time for a campout in Kentucky. But stressing out over what to pack and what to do once you arrive can suck the fun from your trip before it even gets started. With that in mind, here are some invaluable best practices from …