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Carl's Kentucky Mugs and Jugs

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Carl's Kentucky Mugs and Jugs

Back by popular demand, y'all! One of our favorite local KY potters, Carl Wagoner, has hooked us up once again with these kick-ass Kentucky mugs! As a bonus, we're also launching a limited run of Carl's handmade, one-of-a-kind 1792 Kentucky jugs! A limited quantity of mugs & jugs will be available on our website and …

Open Up and Say Hell Yea Kentucky!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Open Up and Say Hell Yea Kentucky!

Sometimes the best ideas come to us after popping the top off a frothy brew. Ideas like, "Hey the shape of Kentucky looks like it would make the ultimate bottle opener!" With this eureka moment, the Kentucky for Kentucky team set out to make the world's very first Kentucky-shaped and 100% Kentucky-made bottle opener that …

Move Over Turkey, Fried Chicken is in Town

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Move Over Turkey, Fried Chicken is in Town

The holiday season is upon us. It's not even Thanksgiving yet, and the sounds and scents of Christmas pervade the air. Sure, mistletoe, peppermint and nutmeg are nice, but we know Kentuckians have been pining for something a little more savory to tickle their noses. That's why our Fried Chicken candle, our most popular "Scent …

We've Got Handmade Kentucky Moonshine Jugs

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

We've Got Handmade Kentucky Moonshine Jugs

Earlier this week, we looked around the Kentucky for Kentucky office and realized that something was missing, something essential. We looked at the prints on the walls and the shirts on the racks and the booze in the cabinet, and we felt, well, not quite at ease. We needed something classic, we needed something handmade…we …